Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The hell that is an interview. Or five.

So I'm supposed to be "preparing".. of course I'm writing a blog instead. What fun is work if you don't procrastinate too? It's like having beer without peanuts! Or a Saturday without a nap!

I'm preparing to prove myself. To five people. What if they don't like me, you ask? Then I fail again, I reply. I know I shouldn't really spend time and energy in the negative, but I have such anxiety that this won't work out either. Haven't I already proven myself to dozens of people, for a year and a half? That's not the way it works, though. You don't just get recognized and moved on.. you still have to prove yourself before you get to pass go and collect $200.

"Tell me about a time ..." those five words drive me crazy! Not because I don't want to tell you about a time.... but because my telling you about a time has to be formatted and structured with all the "right" elements that you want to hear. Otherwise, well, you know the drill ("do not pass go, yada yada yada)

So I'm here. Preparing. I'll try not to give you too many details. I'll try not to ramble on. I'll try to relay to you examples of a time where I took partners, communicated an action plan, created a contingency, implemented a process, developed a team member. To prove to you that I am ready to deliver the financials for your bottom line.

Just so that my bottom line can have an extra $200.

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