Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh, gooooooodness! It's been months and months since my last post. I'm not very good at this I spose. Oh vell. So the last time I blogged, I had just met my lovie lou. Now he's snuggling on the couch next to me (sorry, Chris, but when you're not here, he gets your snuggling space...), chewing on his squirrely's foot. It's truly amazing the pleasure I derive from the simple pleasures and sincere and loving gazes from my pup.

I'm watching "What not to wear" on E!, and I love the part where they take the woman shopping for bras and undies. But I hate the part where they computerize her body measurements... mostly because I fear what I would look like. Poo. My fave part, though, is where they bring in someone as a motivational life coach... it basically makes me tear up every time. I'm trying to let it motivate me. Here's a good nugget to repeat to myself:

"In this life, you can not control how you are perceived. You can only control how you are presented."

I think this is important for me to believe.